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 Al Zawiya main hospital

Luogo:  Al Zawiya, Libia
Committente: Renco SpA

Anno: 2021
Servizi prestati: Studio di fattibilità tecnico economica
Importo progetto: € n.d.

The City of Health will be a healthcare center, consisting of 15 autonomous facilities divided into several buildings, articulated within a large equipped park, everything necessary to ensure diagnosis, treatment and health care through multiple specialized paths.
The 15 facilities and their buildings are functionally autonomous but they constitute an interconnected network to ensure the best possible response to the needs of the patient, offering diagnosis and specialized care, within a general patient centered vision. The articulation in autonomous pavilions allows the realization of the health center in successive phases, planned and at the same time optimizable according to any changes in time of epidemiological needs and also ensures complete flexibility of space. 

Main General Hospital
It consist in a general Hospital of about 26.347 sqm. for 260 beds divided in: 224 impatient beds and 36 technical outpatient beds.

In addition to these, we also have 20 cots in the nursery.

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